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Friday, August 9, 2013

I found her!!!

Me(on the left), Aishwarya, my twin,(on the right)
     Best day ever!!! Yes, I know that you might be very, very confused if you saw the picture. Don't worry, I was really confused too, and I'm still confused, and guess what? I will probably always be confused for the rest of my life just because of today. Crazy right, she's my twin!!! I actually have a twin, I've always wanted a twin! And there she was standing right in front of me. It all started when my family went to the airport to drop off my parents' friends off. After we dropped them at the airport, we started walking toward our car to go home. Right then, I saw this girl and her parents walking out of the airport with loads of luggage. And holey moley, that girl looked EXACTLY like me!!! From the hair to the height, she looked exactly like me! It was as if she stole my face! I was ready to scream but, I knew not too, since we were in the public. I grabbed my parents by the back of their shirts and pointed at that "twin" and her family. My parents screamed. And then I screamed too. By that time the other family looked at us with big, surprised eyes and both of us started walking toward each other. My family and the other family were about few feet away from each other, yet, none of us could speak a single word. Finally, the other "me" spoke up and broke the ice. Now, everyone was talking. It turned out that me and the other "me" were twin!!! It was so creepy to be looking at someone who looked exactly like me! What was even more creepier was that her name was Aishwarya too!!! Eeeek! So, both the families came up with the answer to this crazy twin thing. Me and the other "me" were probably separated at birth. The parents never knew they had twins.
     Then it started raining outside so, we all went to my house to talk and refresh our minds from this day. We asked the other family where they live and they said London. I was so happy that my twin was from London!!! They had just landed and came to San Francisco for a vacation. Me and Aishwarya took so many pictures together. Of course, she had to go back to London in a few days. So, we made sure we both would keep in touch. Just one thing, we had to find a new name for her!:) It's not okay if both twin sisters share the same name. We both chatted for a while and it turns out that she has a totally different personality than me. She is much more athletic and loves to run( unlike me). She's more of an outdoor person while I'm more of an indoor person. Aishwarya told me that she wanted to play soccer in the Olympics, representing Great Britain. We had so much fun together. But, to be honest, she did annoy me with her accent and the way she used British slang. For example, she told me her favorite foods are candyfloss and chips. I got all confused. She explained to me that  candy floss was our cotton candy. Chips was French fries. Then it was time to say bye. Her family left by taxi and I saw my twin leave. We'll meet again for sure, until then we can always Facetime and Skype each other. Anyways, thanks for reading! Cheers!!!          


  1. Oh my my.... ! That's quite an imagination. Very interesting to read and that picture looks very real. How did you do that?

  2. Ha!It was funny when you wrote(she annoyed me.)Nice blog though!):):):):):):):):) "

  3. hey, hope you both would have a nice time together in future. all the best.

  4. Hope you have a nice time together! :)

  5. wow... nice u found the other u!!! i wonder where the other me is. really it would be very interesting if i find mine!!
