It's April, April showers bring May flowers. But, what else does it bring? STAR test prep:(. This year, the STAR test is on its last year. Does that mean no more STAR testing? Yes, it does mean no more STAR testing, but something else is making its way. What is it? Common Core Standards. Common Core Standards will be the new method of teaching, and it will possibly start in the 2013-2014 school year.
The STAR, Standardized Testing and Reporting Program is expiring and we will not have the same multiple choice annual tests anymore. Why not? The STAR testing is just level one questions. The STAR tests are just the same content while the Common Core Standards will be level two and three questions with more thinking involved. :( I, personally, am not looking forward to Common Core. The Common Core Standards will include higher standards in both, English and Math. So far, 47 states(including California) have adopted this new method. The only states that haven't are Alaska, Virginia, and Texas. With the Common Core, students will be asked to explain their thinking, not just answer the questions. Also, students will have to support their answer with evidence and reasoning. The STAR tests don't prove that the students actually understand the question. Students might get a question right just out of "multiple guess". On, the other hand, Common Core tests will make sure students understand the concepts.
The STAR, Standardized Testing and Reporting Program is expiring and we will not have the same multiple choice annual tests anymore. Why not? The STAR testing is just level one questions. The STAR tests are just the same content while the Common Core Standards will be level two and three questions with more thinking involved. :( I, personally, am not looking forward to Common Core. The Common Core Standards will include higher standards in both, English and Math. So far, 47 states(including California) have adopted this new method. The only states that haven't are Alaska, Virginia, and Texas. With the Common Core, students will be asked to explain their thinking, not just answer the questions. Also, students will have to support their answer with evidence and reasoning. The STAR tests don't prove that the students actually understand the question. Students might get a question right just out of "multiple guess". On, the other hand, Common Core tests will make sure students understand the concepts.
The Common Core standards also pose some challenges for many schools. Why? What does that mean? Common Core Standards will require students all over California to take the annual standardized testing, but this time they want it to be online. Rural area will have difficulties because they lack technology. With the budget cuts, buying more than 1000 computers is out of the question. So, what will happen? Nobody know. They are still trying to figure it out. My fingers are crossed...hoping the problem won't be fixed, and we might not have Common Core. But, I still know that's very unlikely too happen. The tests will be developed by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium(SBAC) and the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers(PARCC). Another reason why California needs Common Core Standards is because since most of the states now have adopted it, all the states will have the same standards from K-12. If the students change schools or move to a different state, they will still have the same standards to follow. California's education system is taking a big leap forward... changing from STAR testing to Common Core Standards.